Young Adult Therapy
Welcome to Ashley Hudson Therapy
You may be feeling pressure with the challenges of college and what the future hold career wise, difficulty adjusting to new adult roles and responsibilities, and frustrated with social norms of dating, friends, and family. We understand, and we are here to help.
We help young adults transition from adolescence to adulthood by gaining self-awareness and figuring out their calling and purpose in life.
If you are ready to start feeling better, schedule your first appointment with a young adult therapist today!

Our approach to Young Adult Therapy
Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is probably one of the hardest transitions you will go through. As an emerging adult, you go from being completely protected, supported, and guided to now you must leave the nest and you’re out on your own. Flying on your own! It’s scary. It’s really scary actually.
Maybe you’ve asked yourself several times how I am supposed to do this? How am I supposed to support myself financially? How am I supposed to make decisions for myself and take care of myself? Some of the biggest challenges are managing all the new responsibilities and setting realistic expectations for yourself and what that looks like especially going through this life transition.
Maybe you’ve also asked yourself, what does my relationship with my parents look like outside of the house? Young adults are very aware of conflicts, flaws, and struggles within each parental relationship they have. In young adult therapy, we will discuss how the relationship with your parents and caregivers have had an impact on your current views of relationships now.
Often many young adults feel pressure from family, friends, and society to begin developing intimate relationships and start a family. In young adult therapy, most young adults explore what they need in a friendship and how to deepen their relationships. Going through so much change, most young adults will ask themselves, “Are my friends really there for me? Are my friends supporting me how I like to be supported?”
It’s a journey where you are figuring out what you want in life what life means to you and then tailoring your lifestyle to fit those values. Our approach with young adult therapy is creating a space where young adults can be open to discuss and identify new values and beliefs and be confident going into adulthood. Through young adult therapy, we help emerging adults have self-compassion to go through those trial and errors with acceptance and forgiveness.
Young Adult therapy is a good opportunity to explore who you want to be, set goals for the future, and create strong meaningful relationships. If you want to be more confident with living on your own and creating your new future, schedule your first appointment with one of our young adult therapists today.

Do you provide in person therapy?Yes, I provide in person therapy and online therapy. Typically, it is whatever feels convenient and comfortable for the client.
What is the length of therapy?There is no definitive answer to this question. Though it’s safe to say some individuals find a few sessions are sufficient, while others choose to continue long-term (over 20 sessions). Often individuals choose to continue to work with me through additional layers as they arise while others choose to address additional items outside of the therapeutic context. We can collaborate together to help you make the ultimate choice for yourself.
What do I need on my first appointment?Prior to your appointment, please complete and sign the consent form, intake form, and good faith estimate.
Why choose online therapy?Online therapy is special in its own way because you can sit and chat with me from the comfort of your own home, office, car, or where ever feels most comfortable for you. Life is busy and full of commitments. Online therapy saves time on commute, relieves stress on rushing to make your appointment, and helps with worries of childcare. Also, sometimes it is hard for others to open up in an office setting. Online therapy is a great alternative and it allows you to sit in a place of your choosing that might help relieve those barriers.
Why don't you take insurance?I like the ability to be flexible and customize my clinical approach based on my clients needs in a way that benefits my clients without being limited by insurance companies. Insurance companies require mental health professionals to provide diagnosis and treatment plans reducing confidentiality. In addition, insurance companies can limit the number of sessions and can deny request to increase number of session a client can have.

Get help
We know everything can be so new; environment, workplace, friendships, academic setting, and dating. We are here to help you through that journey. Contact a young adult therapist today to set up your first appointment and we can start the healing journey together.